Party over Here - Party over There
This would be Gil Franklin and that would be CASH... Was money flying at the party? Gil Franklin & friends (Keith, Charlie, the two Jim's, Dan, Brian & Cecil at various times during the night). We rocked out at the Press Box and I had a great time. I think I threw my back out on Ring of Fire...(just kidding).
The night was great. A friend of mine, Steve, came in from D. C. for the party - now how sweet is that? Michael, being the sweetie that he is, had it catered so there was tons of food for folks to munch on and it was great - go TJ!! This is Michael and I - after just a few drinks -->
Even though I requested no gifts, some folks did so anyway and I noticed a theme... hmmm wonder what they are saying? I got a 4 bottle pack of Patron from Larry & Carolyn, a bottle of Patron from Steve and a bottle of Sauza from Diana. Patron anyone?
This little pic is Tenille, me and Kendall. Now Tenille and I were being funny, I think Kendall is just tipsy!!
This is pretty indicative of the mindset of most everyone there.
Thanks to everyone for making my party a great one! A big thank you to Michael for taking care of everything - smooches honey - you are a keeper! Love everyone!
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