Friday, November 03, 2006

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk..what next my dear evangelicals?

So, I go away to Dallas for two weeks to conduct training and return this evening to find that yet another evangelical has made headlines. Tsk, tsk, tsk... makes me wonder if there really is something to that whole "me thinks thou does protest way too much" when they are gay bashing.

Ted Haggard, a swarmy, fake smiling evangelorrist (evangelical terrorist) claims he has not had gay sex with the escort BUT he did have him come to a hotel in Denver for a massage. Come on now Ted, you just live down the road in Colorado Springs - surely you could get a legitimate massage at home? If there was nothing to hide, why meet in a hotel? (Note- the escort claims it was at his apartment, not at a hotel). Also, Ted says he did buy Methamphetamine because he was "tempted" but threw it away without using it. Yeah, ok, is that like "I did not inhale"? Pulllleeeeezzzee, do you really think anyone will buy that one?

Have you ever, ever been "tempted" to wake up one day, go about your day as the head a massively large evangelical organization and think "hey, I know the dangers of drugs and I never, ever do them...but I think I am "tempted" to just go out and buy some meth?"
No? What? Doesn't this happen to everyone? We do not do drugs but we are "tempted" to just jump on board with the hard stuff? Yeah, sort of like I woke up yesterday to conduct training in Dallas and, oh around 10 am thought "Gee, I am really "tempted" to score some heroin" despite the fact that I have never done it. Yea, yea that is it - let me start with heroin. Oh and while I am at it, I saw this ad for lesbian massage therapists... let me try that, as well.

Ummm hmm, I am buying it Ted. Got the London Bridge to sell me, also?


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