Monday, January 22, 2007

Terrorist Attack? Oh for crying out loud!!

Ok, anyone who has lived near the Mississippi River (or Arkansas River or any other river that has barge traffic) knows that, occasionally, a barge hits a bridge. It is no different than a car accident on the highway - it happens. Whether it be high waters and rough currents or operator error - it happens.

This weekend some barges broke loose on the Mighty Miss at Memphis. Some barges broke loose and travelled down river - hitting a railroad bridge in the process because, well a renegade barge goes wherever the water takes it!! My ex is a Bridge Inspector for the railroad and was called out to inspect the bridge it hit. Routine thing.

Yet, when the incident is reported (in the link above) they end the story with "Terrorism was ruled out". Holy beegeeezusss. Come on now. Are we going to start linking every possible bad thing to terrorism? There was a wreck this morning on I-630 - a single car wreck at 4 am - I wonder if we ruled out terrorism on that wreck? What about those fender benders in rush hour - are we checking to make sure they are not terrorist attacks? What about the errant vehicles that crash into a bldg when the driver loses control? Terrorism? We are off our proverbial "rockers" in allowing the press to force feed this terrorist crap down our throats. Ridiculous!!

I guess if we do not keep "terrorism" in the limelight and link it to innocuous events, then we cannot control a nation.


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Nathalie Kalbach said...

I love reading your posts - the car wreck thing is to funny!!!


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