I had no plans tonight and Michael was on his way back from out of town. When he got in we had some coffee and he offered to take me to a movie. I swear I could not find one I wanted to see. I can count on one hand the number of times we have gone to the movies... just prefer to Netflix at home.Anyway, Michael passes out early and I am bored. The house is clean (see post before this one) and I do not feel like trying to clean up the craft room. I drink coffee and play some canasta on line while listening to some favorite tunes.
Then one of those things happen that only occurs when you are totally bored and brain dead... you do something totally useless and weird. What you ask? I will tell you, after all that is the point of this post. I want to share the knowledge I have obtained tonight.
You know the song "Ain't No Sunshine (when she's gone)" by Bill Withers? Well, I believe he says "I know, I know, I know..." 26 times in that song. Yep, counted them "i knows" three times and got 26 twice out of 3 tries - so I am going with 26. In case you ever wondered. Now that I think about it, I probably could have googled the information.
E. J. Miller asked me today (because he said I know everything... ha - shows you what he knows) why tape does not stick in space? He heard that on the news. I guessed weather related but was not sure. So I decided to google that tonight...temperature extremes. Either too cold or too hot (200 below in the shade - 200 above in the sun). There ya have it...another useless fact.
Sigh... I should just go to bed.
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