Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Boy Oh BOY

or, how bout that boy? As the GOP muckety-mucks scramble to cover their butts in the wake of the Foley Folleys - I wonder will Americans notice the "misstatements" that have resulted.

Hastert "misstated" on the Rush Sleezeball show that GOP big shots told Foley to resign on Friday, then later said it was a "misstatement" when called on that "fact". Hastert denied being told about the creepy e mails Foley was sending, then had to backtrack and say he may have been told. They claim that they told Foley to leave the pages alone and were done with it. Hmmm, this all occurred around the time that Foley donated over $100,000.00 to the cause. Great timing. Surely it was not a payoff?

How is it that folks from the Page Alumni Association are saying that they have been warning pages since 2001 that Foley seemed to gravitate toward the young male pages, yet no one "knew" there might be a problem.

Bottom line, in my eyes, is that this creepy man clothed himself in the bible thumping, right wing flying, republican mantra and cashed in on the "evangelical" base to get elected time and time again - all the while pulling the hood over all their eyes and engaging in wholly inappropriate behavior for years. An interesting turn of events.

So he checks into rehab, gosh isn't that a tired response to a problem? Were I an alcoholic, I would be ticked off that he is giving alcoholics a bad name. Alcoholism does not make you a creepy potential sex offender.

So now he says he is gay, ya think? Again, were I gay I would be ticked off for this creep giving gays a bad name. Being gay does not make you a creepy potential sex offender.

Oh wait, he was also abused between the ages of 13 - 15 by a "clergyman", I guess that could have happened but isn't this a convenient defense?

What next? "I suffer from bi-polar disorder rendering me incapable of distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate behavior?" We can only sit back and watch the melee as Foley and his camp scramble to offer excuses and stir up sympathy for this creepy potential sex offender. I also sit back and watch, with much amusement, as the rest of the GOP perpetrators in this scandal flounder around trying to save their jobs. A circus it is.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

This is news I haven't heard - can you post a link to what you're talking about? (Sorry for not being aware!)

At 7:34 PM, Blogger Deb said...

Ok you can google Mark Foley and get thousands of stories but CNN has some good stuff and ABC has the actual email (pretty graphic) that busted the story.

It just gets better and better with each passing day.


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