Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Maniacal Clown Musician!!

I have a dear friend, JimJ or eljimmybob. He is a very interesting and fun person. He is a very talented artist. For my birthday last November, I asked him to paint me a picture of a maniacal clown playing the guitar. He did it! It took him awhile but he gave it to me recently and I LOVE IT. Now, by most folk's standards it would be considered weird. I think it is so cool and it will hang next to my "Day of the Dead" band shadowbox from Mexico.

Here is the maniacal clown. I am not sure what I will name him. I have been tossing about different names but none have stuck yet. I think he is so cool, what do you think?


At 9:48 PM, Blogger Vicki said...

Love your painting!!! Very cool, and funky!! Give him a cool blues, jazzy name and you are in business!!


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